Navigating sex through Sexual Performance Anxiety

Navigating sex

Let us get one thing clear. It is not supposed to look like porn. Popular media’s portrayal of sex often leads teenagers and young adults, even grown men to beat themselves about it, if they do not match those proportions. If you worry about your performance while having sex, your sympathetic nervous system activates, making your blood rush to parts of your body. It may cause sweating and shaking as well. Thus, it is harder to maintain erections. It may lead to erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation for some men. Even men with no physical signs of erectile dysfunction may be unable to orgasm due to performance anxiety.

How to Give Yourself a Pep Talk?

If you are really nervous and anxious, we recommend thinking the following things:

  • Always remember that it is you, who is controlling your mind, and not the other way around.
  • You are much more than an orgasm.
  • All of us have paunches, skin folds, and stretch marks. It is completely natural, and nothing to be ashamed of.
  • It is not the end of the world if your partner, or you do not orgasm. You can always look forward to the next time.
  • Do not think about how well you are performing, while having sex. You should look back on your encounter on a lonely evening, days later. Get lost in your erotic fantasies in the bedroom!
  • Appreciate the fumbles and laughter. It is not supposed to look like porn. As you learn how your bodies achieve pleasure, you will feel a deeper level of intimacy with your partner.
  • Always practice safe sex. Playgard condom, the best condom brand in India, has a range of dotted and flavored condoms for you to explore. If you are struggling to orgasm through sexual intercourse, put on a flavored condom and indulge in oral sex with your partner. Nowadays, you can buy condoms online, so you can easily be discreet about it.

Treatment Options for Sexual Performance Anxiety

As erectile dysfunction or an inability to orgasm can occur due to a variety of reasons, treatment is usually focused on identifying the root causes, rather than treating sexual performance anxiety in itself.

In many cases, sexual performance anxiety goes away by itself, as you become more comfortable in your body and have honest conversations with your partner. Please do not dismiss yourself as defective, or someone that needs fixing because something is wrong with them. If you feel that you need some extra help, you can avail the following sources:

  • Therapy:

You may feel that you are struggling to open up to your partner. You can opt for a sex therapist, or an ordinary one, and share your concerns. It is always better to let it out. And, maybe, once you hear yourself, you will realize it does not sound as bad as your mind is making it out to be.

  • ED Medications

Do not take medicines before consulting a doctor. If you feel condoms are constrictive, talk to a doctor about it. While the top condom brands in India are designed for pleasure, it is okay to feel awkward about it. Sometimes, wearing a condom breaks the flow of foreplay. Laughing it off with your partner is the best remedy! If your performance anxiety is a side effect of erectile dysfunction, do not worry. It is manageable. Doctors would lead you through it.

  • Sex is not just about intercourse

If you cannot orgasm through intercourse, it is absolutely fine. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You can engage in oral sex, anal sex, or use sex toys to spice up your sex life. Giving your partner a hot towel massage can also feel as intimate as orgasming together. Do not let porn and societal beliefs define sex for you.

  • Exercise

Exercise will definitely improve the appearance of your body. But, we are not focusing on that. You are amazing as you are! Exercising regularly focuses your mind and makes your stamina better in bed. You will be more sure of yourself.

  • Distract yourself

Sometimes, we are so engrossed in trying to do the right thing to please our partner, we cannot orgasm. When you take your mind off worries about performance while having sex, you will have a much better experience, even if you do not orgasm immediately. Put on some romantic movie, or play some sensual music to have an enjoyable experience. Get weird and freaky with your partner! And, honest conversation is the way to go!

Signing Off: Busting Myths

Condoms do not restrict your ability to orgasm. If you have been having sex without condoms, please do not. Not only does it increase your chances of contracting STDs, but you are also more likely to impregnate your partner. Playgard condom, the best condom brand in India, has many ribbed and flavored condoms that increase pleasure. As you can buy condoms online, it is more accessible to teenagers and young adults. If you feel that condoms are restricting your ability to orgasm, you could discuss other forms of contraception, or it would be best if you consult a doctor.  Also, please do not fret about your size. Most women will not care, as women’s orgasms depend on clitoris stimulation. The top condom brands in India offer many varieties at affordable rates. Get exploring!